Her Majesty the Queen

Our respects.

IMG 1481-w

MBE for pkk 2020

UK Sikh Healthcare Chaplaincy received its recognition from Her Majesty The Queen in the 2020 Queen's Honours List for services to the Sikh Community by honouring the National Co-ordinator of Sikh Chaplaincy with an MBE and will collect it when the invitation letter comes through the door.

Thanks to all of you for your tireless compassion, dedication and hard work in dealing wth difficult situations as chaplains. 


Parminder Kaur 

                  See full text at MBE_for_PKK_2020.pdf



A guide to organ donation and Sikh beliefs


Please see the organ donation leaflet for Sikhism prepared by www.organdonation.nhs.uk to help you to decide on organ donation from the above link : 

Annual Sikh Chaplaincy Prayer Day 2019

Annual Prayer Day Report 2019 - The Annual Sikh Chaplaincy Prayer Day report 2019 (without photos) can be seen by clicking on the link.  


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